Vaccine Zombies

On December 9, 2021 I made a screen recording about zombies and vaccines then uploaded it to YouTube and Bitchute. The video I made can be seen above. The 44 minute video I made, starts with an explanation of the African origin of the word “Zombie.” I then summarize Amazon’s shocking zombie policy, the CDC’sContinue reading “Vaccine Zombies”

CDC says Covid-19 Vaccine has Killed 747 people so far. The FDA says Death is a side effect.

CDC says Covid-19 Vaccine has Killed 747 people so far. The FDA says Death is a side effect. *See the above video and check the links below. *VAERS – *CDC Partners/Funders – *Billionaires gain wealth during pandemic – *FDA Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness Presentation (where death is listed as a side effect) – -IK akaContinue reading “CDC says Covid-19 Vaccine has Killed 747 people so far. The FDA says Death is a side effect.”

Doctors Say Covid Vaccine is Unsafe!

Well, once again I am locked out of YouTube for 2 weeks now for uploading the above video. The testimony by doctors is very damning to the mainstream fear mongering and propaganda. 1 more strike and my channel ( ) is gone for good. Many quick and important topics to go into here. First,Continue reading “Doctors Say Covid Vaccine is Unsafe!”